Wednesday, July 26, 2017

2017 BCHW Hot Shot Crew in the Pasayten Wilderness and Crystal Lake Trail

BCHW’s Jason Ridlon organized a very ambitious work party ("Hot Shot" crew) of over 30 workers to work on Pasayten wilderness trails.
(Pasayten Hot Shot crew--Photo courtesy of
Meanwhile, Betsy Devin-Smith and Cathy Upper joined 4 others to work on Betsy’s project of the Crystal Lake trail. Two years ago she and her son Casey started with the 4+ miles of trail outside the wilderness. She figures she and Casey had cut out around 500 trees. We had around 70 left to go outside the wilderness. The packers brought in our tools and gear and most of us hiked in to this area where there is a pass with water before the trails heads over to Disaster creek.
Crystal Lake Trail (Source:
Crystal Lake Trail (Source:

Crystal Lake Trail "before" (Source:

Crystal Lake Trail "after" (Source:

We worked for 4 days and logged out the next 3 1/2 miles, brushing as we went because the trail was hidden in the brush. Lots of lodge pole pines. We made it to the last Disaster creek crossing with 8 trees at the crossing and then another 10+ as the trail heads up the last mile and 1,000 feet to the lakes. The rest can be gotten around the trees and brush as it thins out, but it would be nice to log out the trail. 

NOTE: Many photos of the Hot Shot Crew working in the Andrews Creek/Pasayten wilderness area are featured on the web site. You are encouraged to view them to understand the complex project that was undertaken for just a few days.

Great people and fun to camp in the back country for 4 days.(Source:

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