On August 13th Bill Ford
and Burt Karaposteles spent a long day brushing a stretch between Scatter and
Poplar Flat. This section includes Scatter Creek and three
other creek crossings. Whistling Creek was the most brushy. On the same day they brushed out part of the trail near South
Creek where a culvert was covered by brush. Once the trail was brushed, the
culvert showed through the dirt so they built a short “turnpike” over it. On
August 18th Bill and Jan Ford hiked up to complete a section of
brushing west of South Creek which was not finished on Trails Day. Bill
also cut out recently fallen logs which he learned about from Deb Whittemore the
day before while at the Loup Loup Trail/Raffle Ride. On Saturday August 24th Bill and Jan rode up South Creek Trail to the pass, one of
the three trails that MVBCH paid the Forest Service (FS) to brush, and
remarked that the FS did a good job. (Thanks
to Jan Ford for photos and story)
(Above) Whistling Creek “before” brushing and
(Below) Burt shows Whistling Creek "after"
brushing (Note: log on right was completely hidden
before brushing!)
and the new “turnpike” over brushed trail culvert |
Log covering the TRT was encountered by Terry and Steve Dixon |
It was located between Scaffold and Eagle Creeks |
Bill and Jan set out on Sept 4th to open the trail |
Newly downed logs on the TRT |
Trail's open--thanks Bill! |