Wednesday, June 28, 2017

The 2017 Rendezvous — An Annual Adventure!

Eight MVBCH members attended the 2017 Rendezvous for meetings, great food, and fun! Betty Wagoner, President Cathy Upper, Kay MacCready, DK Williams, and Mary Pat Bauman enjoyed the full 3 days, and Linda Seaman arrived Saturday afternoon and stayed though Sunday noon. Donna and Pete Stoothoff had a short stay, too; they arrived to participate in the Sawyer program on Friday and then returned home to other obligations.
(L-R) Betty, DK, Linda, Cathy, Mary Pat, Kay
Cathy received the well-deserved “Lopper Award” for “demonstrating outstanding commitment and dedication to their chapter or to BCHW by participation and promotion of what the BCHW Mission Statement stands for.” Linda received the “Desk Jockey” award for being “one of the behind the scenes people, always at a computer or running from meeting to meeting. They keep the wheels of our organization turning.” Both Cathy and Linda appreciate the recognition of their work!  
DK and President Cathy in the crosscut saw competition

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