The Hamburger Ride took place on September 19th with 17
riders. By the time lunch was ready, 8 more people had shown up! Though
Betty Wagoner didn't make it this year (for the first time?), her horse "Koda" did.
Julie Johnson brought him with her horse—Betty had kindly lent him to Jenny
Stahl. The weather was perfect, the pot luck dishes delicious, and Tom Cornish
cooked the hamburgers. (Photos and story courtesy of Jan Ford and Dolly Stahl)
Bill Ford leads the ride out |
Richard Erickson's horse pauses while others munch |
Richard looks over the scenery |
Jenny Stahl leads, with Julie Johnson, Bonnie Andrews and others trailing |
Browsing the trail |
Riders gather in the yard |
Hamburger time! Grill out of gas?? (No, not really!) |