Sunday, March 24, 2013

2013 Rendezvous

Great fun was had by all at the 2013 Rendezvous in Ellensburg. The MVBCH'ers who attended included Janet and Ken Shannon, Nancy Palagruti and Richard Erickson, Donna and Pete Stoothoff, Gary and Barbara Sterner, Dick and Anna Heathman, Cathy Upper, Gisele Massengill, and Jackie Iddings. They participated in trail building, tool packing, grant writing, National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), volunteer hours, and Treasurer workshops.

And, we had several members who won BCHW awards for their service. Nancy Palagruti received the Desk Jockey award for being one of our "behind the scenes" people, always at a computer or running from meeting to meeting to keep our communications open. Pete Stoothoff received the Trail Warrior award for being one of our folks who may not make all the chapter functions--or even own a computer--but they are out rain or shine, day in and day out, working on the trails. Barbara and Gary Sterner received the Lopper award for being active in several different aspects of the many things that make up BCHW.
Nancy Palagruti receiving a Desk Jockey Award
Nancy winning Desk Jockey award
Gary and Barbara Sterner receiving a Lopper  Award
Gary and Barbara winning Lopper award
Pete Stoothoff receiving a Trail Warrior Award
Pete winning Trail Warrior award
Last but not least, our chapter won the award for most creative dinner table design. Each chapter prepares a special decorative table arrangement for the dinner. Janet Shannon, Nancy Palagruti, and Barbara Sterner put together the MVBCH winning table! 
MVBCH Chapter winning table design!