Sunday, June 1, 2014

Soldiers Love Horses Too!

Suekii Cornwall and Mary Pat Bauman rode into Winthrop over Memorial Day. Visiting soldiers from Fort Lewis were in town and were eager to take pictures with a couple of cowgirls!                       (Photo courtesy of Mary Pat Bauman)
(L-R) Suekii on "Colie", visiting soldier, Mary Pat on "JJ"

Fraser Creek Ride

On May 29th Suekii Cornwall, Cathy Upper, Ann Port, Fran White, Kathy Bader, Julie Johnson, and Betty Wagoner had perfect weather and a great time on their ride at Fraser Creek. Surprisingly, the group encountered Honeysuckle in full bloom in the hills (see photo below). (Photos courtesy of Julie Johnson and Betty Wagoner)

Betty on "Koda"

Best view!!

Honeysuckle along the way...

Suekii on "Colie"

Julie on "Sunny"

President Cathy relaxes during a break